Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pizza Update 11/28/12

Parents went out and left me at home. Time for terrible eating habits to take over again.

Tonight's Pizza:
Red Baron Singles: Deep Dish Supreme
Added Condiments:
Jif Creamy Peanut Butter
Hand fulla pretzel sticks

Finished Product/Served With:
Plastic Cup of chocolate milk

Pizza: Eugh/10
Chocolate Milk: 6/10

I didn't put enough chocolate in the chocolate milk. I should have done more. The pizza was amazing. Or terrible. I can't decide. Do it for yourself and send me a picture or something. Or don't. Don't be like me, kids.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pizza Update 11/14/12

aaaand we're back

Today's Pizza:
Red Baron French Bread Singles: Pepperoni
Added Condiments:
Chili Powder
Finished Product Served With:
Nacho Cheese Doritos
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar: Chocolate Chip
Half finished Snapple Kiwi Strawberry

Pizza: 7/10
Chips: 8/10
Granola Bar: 5/10
Drink: 9/10

Everything was as I thought it would be. Except for the granola bar. I always expect granola bars to be much better than they end up being.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pizza Update 11/2/12

Time for more Pizza! Can you believe I haven't had microwave pizza in two weeks? Wow. I may be kicking an addiction of some sort! Good for me!

Today's Pizza:
Red Baron Deep Dish Single: Supreme
Spoilers: This Pizza is incredibly similar to Sabatasso's
Red Rooster Louisiana Hot Sauce
Recommended by one guy on an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Finished Product:

Appetizing, eh?

Served With:
Lay's Kettle Baked Original Potato Chips: 40% Less Fact
Diet Canada Dry
Golden Oreos
(Wonder Bread not included)

Pizza: 9/10
Soda: 7/10
Chips: 9/10
Oreos: 10/10

The hot sauce was really, really good. Chips were good and crunchy, soda was fairly good for being a little low on taste, and the Oreos were great. I don't even know why they make regular Oreos anymore, they should just make these! Why didn't they start with Golden Oreos? Woo! Go Golden Oreos!