Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pizza Update: 4/14/13

bizarre choice of pizza
Tonight's Pizza:
Digiorno PIzza Dipping Strips
Added Condiments:

Finished Product/Served With:
Strawberry Ice Cream Bar
Peach Tea Snapple (not pictured)

Pizza: 7/10
Ice Cream: 8/10
Tea: 8/10

Eh. The pizza would have been really good, but the middle of it never really melted so it was a little less than it cold have been.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pizza Update: 4/7/13

Holy shit I was hungry at the grocery store and you know what they say: Don't be hungry at the grocery store if you don't want to purchase a bunch of random stuff.

Tonight's Pizza:
Digiorno Cheese Stuffed Crust Three Meat Pizza
Added Condiments:
Louisiana Hot Sauce
Finished Product:
Served With:

Nacho Cheese Doritos, Noni Berry Diet Snapple

Pizza: 9/10
Drank: 7/10
Chipz: 8/10

this is the best lunch of my life

Monday, April 1, 2013

Pizza Update: 4/1/13

Everybody needs an Easter update. Granted, it was yesterday, but I gotta get rid of all these little chocolate Hershey's eggs somehow. What better way than...
Tonight's Pizza:
Red Baron Deep Dish Singles: 4 Cheese
Added Condiments:
Pictures taken during cooking:
he has risen

he has risen indeed
Finished Product:
I broke the melty eggs up with a knife
Served With:

Vitamin Water: (Who cares that's all we have)
Three Fig Newtons

Pizza: hallelujah/10
Vitamin Water: 5/10

This dinner reminded me of something my ol' granpappy used to say: "Never eat a food whose most prominent ingredients are the name of a Ween album." I think I've learned my lesson from this pizza. It still sits in my stomach and it will remain there for a while. Fig Newtons are the closest thing to the perfect food ever. and I don't care about the Vitamin Water.