Monday, October 22, 2012

Pizza Update: 10/21/12

Hello everyone! I'm back. I've been hesitant to eat Pizza recently because I've had time to eat other foods that aren't greasy and terrible for me! But the dam burst last night as I uploaded my latest video OLD SPORTS GAMES #11. I was hungry. But luckily:

Today's Pizza:
Red Baron French Bread Singles: Supreme Pizza
A new pizza! It isn't Sabatasso's this time! These only come in boxes of two, while Sabatasso's come in boxes of 12 or so, so I'll probably go back to them soon. These are also even worse for you to eat as well. They're huge, though.

Added Condiments: None, because I wanted to have a "blank slate" so that I can understand what it tastes like straight, and then I can come back and taste it with added condiments.

Finished Product:

Served With:
Trader Joe's Ginger Beer

This was a late night snack, so I didn't put much effort into it. The ginger beer was super tasty, and it has a nice burn going down the esophagus.

Pizza: 8/10
Ginger Beer: 10/10

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pizza Update 10/11/12

Today's Pizza:
Sabatasso's Pizza Singles: Thin Crust Pepperoni (As Always)
I'll try to buy different pizzas sometimes soon.

Added Condiments:
Louisiana Hot Sauce
Lawry's Seasoned Salt
Finished Product:

Served With: Puffed Cheetos, Grape Faygo, Wool Hat

Overall Review:
Pizza: 5/10: The seasoned salt hurt my throat as I ate it. It didn't help the taste much either
Cheetos: 10/10: Shit's delish.
Soda: 7/10: Good. It's some sort of a regional thing, either from the north or the south. I don't know how we got it here in the shitty midwest.

Speaking of the shitty midwest:

Somebody in my state actually made this and proceeded to put it on the internet. I... live here.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pizza Update 10/6/12

Today's Pizza:
Sabatasso's Pizza Singles: Thin Crust Pepperoni
Added Condiments:
McCormick Garlic Powder

Frank's RedHot Thick

 Finished Product:
Served With: Cookies N' Cream Pop-Tarts, Peach Nehi , anxious tears

Overall Review: The pizza tasted pretty okay. The Pop-Tarts were tasty, but they weren't the best type of Pop-Tarts. The soda was not great. It's an acquired taste.

Pizza: 7/10
Pop-Tart: 7/10
Soda: 5/10

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pizza Update 10/5/12

Friday evening is typically a less than excellent night for me in terms of cuisine. I'm not too high class on these nights. I have about an hour and a half to eat until I have to go watch football and play Trombone (at the same time because I am great).

Today's Pizza:
Sabatasso's Pizza Singles: Thin Crust Four-Cheese
Added Condiments:
Spice Treasures: Chili Powder
Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce
Finished Product:

Served with: Reese's BIG CUP (capitalized for emphasis, presumably), Mountain Dew Voltage.

Overall Review: Pizza was really, really tasty. The Chili Pepper/Tabasco combo is a standard for me with microwave pizza. The Reese's was really big and super tasty. On a scale of tastiness, it just beats out the pizza. The Mountain Dew tastes like medicine and looks like Windex.

Pizza: 8/10
Candy: 10/10
Soda: 3/10